Susitikimas su dr. Troy Hicks, Mičigano universitetas. Renginys anglų kalba.
This event is hosted by IREX Media Literacy in the Baltics as a part of the Global Media and Information Literacy Week celebration (from October 24 to October 30).
Troy Hicks, PhD, is Professor of English and Education at Central Michigan University, where he collaborates with K–12 colleagues to explore how they implement newer literacies in their classrooms and teaches master’s and doctoral courses in educational technology. He is also Director of the Chippewa River Writing Project, a site of the National Writing Project. A former middle school teacher, he has received numerous awards including the Michigan Reading Association Teacher Educator Award and the Central Michigan University Excellence in Teaching Award, and is an ISTE Certified Educator, a trained facilitator in digital storytelling through StoryCenter and story exchanges through Narrative4, and an affiliate faculty member with the Media Education Lab.
In this workshop, titled ‘Teaching and Modeling Digital Diligence’, Dr. Hicks will delve into digital diligence – an intentional stance that helps both teachers and students use technology productively, ethically, and responsibly. Based on Dr. Hicks latest book, Mindful Teaching with Technology, this webinar will explore how to help students build media literacy skills such as online information evaluation, breaking through “filter bubbles”, and protecting online privacy.
Please register using this link: Meeting Registration – Zoom